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Monthly Archives: July 2014

The 3 Top Ways to Transform People into Profit, while ensuring…

The 3 Top Ways to Transform People into Profit, while ensuring…

Time to Read: 3 Minutes Time to Watch: 44 seconds The 3 Top Ways to Transform People into Profit, while ensuring… Your people are engaged, valued and fulfilled. Indeed, you can’t have one, without the other. Without people who are engaged, valued and fulfilled you won’t make profit, and without profit you won’t have any…Continue Reading

How to…Be a Professional Speaker

Top 10 (+1) Tips for being a World-Class Speaker / Presenter – in order of importance 1          Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Then tell them what you told them. 2          Know your message well, know your audience better and know how to leave PowerPoint at home, best of all.…Continue Reading

“How so calm?”

“How so calm?”

Time to Read:   If it’s delayed you can do a lot worse than go to @SW_Trains    “How so calm?” Was the question I asked Allison Dunn, Information & Customer Experience Manager at South West Trains. No background needed – trains get delayed, signals fail and very sadly people go onto tracks. When things go wrong,…Continue Reading

Dear Courtney…

Dear Courtney…

Dear Courtney… Happy Birthday – 13 Today! And that is the reason this is being sent out on a Tuesday, not a Monday – for the very first time. Because you are one of the bravest people I have ever met, an inspiration to me and to all who know you. Thank you to you…Continue Reading

Jump Straight to Performing

Jump Straight to Performing

Jump Straight to Performing You will have heard it many times – all teams “must” go through four stages before they are effective – Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. I have never understood “Norming”, so let’s focus on the other three. Form, Storm, Perform – fair enough – a process that clearly takes a while.…Continue Reading