founder of naked leader

Monthly Archives: November 2023

Your Company Purpose Needs This…

Your Company Purpose Needs This…

Time to read: 50 Seconds Naked Leader Week 1050 – 20 November 2023 …An Enemy It might be a person, or people, or an idea. Why? Because, without it: Your Purpose is too vanilla, boring, or wishy-washy. You won’t stand out from the crowd – and in this day and age – you need to…Continue Reading

A Two Letter Word Needing Context

A Two Letter Word Needing Context

Time to Read: 31 Seconds Naked Leader Week 1049 – 13 November 2023 No event, or thought, or word has any meaning other than the one you choose to give it. For example, the whole meaning of the following sentence changes depending on the emphasis you give to each word: ‘I didn’t say she stole…Continue Reading

Be Kind

Be Kind

Time to Read: 17 Seconds Naked Leader Week 1048 – 6 November 2023 Rosalind saw this on The Times of India website. Start a conversation, not a fire – post with kindness. It was referring to social media interactions, and of course it also applied to every conversation, every day, with everyone. And I have…Continue Reading