founder of naked leader

3 of the most powerful things a leader can say
Naked Leader Week 812 – 11 March 2019
Time to Read: 45 seconds
3 of the most powerful things a leader can say:
- “I don’t know.”
It’s OK not to know – indeed, as a leader, it’s probably not your job to know! If you want, add “I will find out”. Also, when you share an outcome – a what – with people you don’t need to know the how at the same time. The famous Google Ideas Wall is full of ‘What’s’ with no how.
- “I need help.”
One of the most powerful things a truly authentic, naked leader, can ever do is ask for help.
- “It’s my fault.”
My favourite – it helped me as an IT Director for years. Take the blame for everything in your team, and the praise for nothing – name the person in your team who deserves that praise. These three words will ensure that people will follow you anywhere and everywhere. Also, after a while, people will stop blaming you and your team! When something goes wrong you can speak one to one in private with the person who made the mistake.
With my love and best wishes