founder of naked leader

4 Different Slants on The Naked Leader FGS – 1 of 4 – Know where you want to go
4 Different Slants on The Naked Leader FGS – 1 of 4 – Know where you want to go

Thank you for the many comments and thoughts on the Formula for Guaranteed Success – they come in via Twitter, Email and of course from our Business Partners.
Know where you want to go
Once you know this then ask yourself or yourselves – ‘why?’
Why is this outcome important to you?
With each answer ask yourself – ‘and that is important to me/us because…’
And you will finally reach the root cause of why
From a one to one coaching session with a an HR Director in the USA
Me: Why is winning that award important?
HRD: Because it is important for the company
Me: And that is important because…?
Me: And that is important because…?
HRD…It attracts new clients
Me: And that is important because…?
HRD…Are you being serious?
Me: Humour me
HRD: …We make more profit and can employ more people
Me: And that is important because…?
HRD: – With raised voice and a lot of passion – Because want to start an apprentice scheme, I want to reach out and help people who couldn’t get a job anywhere else, and this award will give me the freedom to do that – it’s the most important thing I do in my role.
When the real reason for doing something is surfaced we have a different outcome ‘start an apprentice scheme’ – what the HRD had done was jump straight to Know what you have to do.
Take a while and think it through – we all need to revisit outcomes in this way from time to time.
With my love and best wishes
Why advocates include Simon Walton from University of Portsmouth – @waltonsimon, our own Bob Perry and many CEOs including Mike Logue of Dreams; Estelle Brachlianoff of Veolia and Jonathan Polin of Sanlam
Please join the discussion in the comments below
Wonderful post as ever, David.
The formula is one that is tried and tested and will stand the test of time.
So vital, a plan, to look ahead, to know what it is you want to achieve.
Getting where you want to be is the best bit. Ticking off those little milestones along the way make it so much nicer when you do actually get there.
Just like a business plan is essential when starting up on your own, why not place just as much importance on a personal one?
Personal goals can be even more special and you can include your family in on your achievements too.