founder of naked leader
4 Different Slants on The Naked Leader FGS – 2 of 4 – Know where you are now
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4 Different Slants on The Naked Leader FGS – 2 of 4 – Know where you are now
Thank you for the many comments and thoughts on the Formula for Guaranteed Success – they come in via Twitter, Email and of course from our Business Partners.
This is the second of 4 weeks when I cover different takes on the FGS with a practical way of applying them in our personal lives, our careers and in our organisations.
Week 1 – Know where you want to go is here link.
Imagine if no matter where you are, you are at the ideal starting point for achieving where you want to go.
By asking yourself the following powerful question:
How does where we are help us achieve our Outcome.
This changes everything – instead of ‘what’s wrong with where I am / we are?’ – ask ‘What’s helpful with where I am / we are?’
Because of the way our minds work, when we ask ourselves a question, we get an answer.
If we ask what is wrong, we will receive the answer of what is wrong.
When we ask what is right, we will receive the answer of what is right.
A now legendary example of this was when the trains on the London Underground Jubilee line extension did not fit the tracks.
A serious situation, and one ripe for a major gathering to identify who’s to blame, as long as it’s someone else.
All of this was ended with an extraordinary intervention:
“How does the fact that the trains don’t fit the tracks help us open this extension on time?”
This question, repeated several times, led to many reasons why it was the best thing that could have happened, a total change of mood, mind-set and conversation in the room, and to the Jubilee line getting back on track, as it were.
To get the most helpful answer, ask the most useful question (share your most useful questions in the comments below.)
With my love and best wishes
With thanks to the legendary Hugh Macken, and the many people who have commented on this, which was first featured in The Naked Leader