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7 Questions to ask any potential Leadership/Consultancy/Coaching Partners 

7 Questions to ask any potential Leadership/Consultancy/Coaching Partners 

Time to read: 7 x 10 = Around 70 Seconds
7 Questions to ask any potential Leadership/7questionConsultancy/Coaching Partners.

I wish I’d had this list when I was an IT Director!

  1. Speed – Will we see positive, measurable results within one week of starting our partnership?
  2. Money – Are you an investment or a cost – i.e. will you make and save us more money that we invest with you? If so, how much?
  3. Sustainable – How sustainable will this be – does what you do bring together all the work we have done to date, build on it not destroy it and embed into day to day work. And, will you share with us how to do what you do, so that we can do it for ourselves in the future, with support from, but no dependence on you?
  4. Authentic – Will you do this with us (not to us), customising your work to our agenda, or is it off the shelf? And will you promise to always bring the truth in the room, speak in simple business language and get to the point? Finally, do you agree that we will never say anything behind each other’s backs that we do not say to each other in person?
  5. Business – Do you focus on real, practical business issues – real play, not role play –  are your coaches/consultants business practitioners who have been there and done it, and can we meet, approve or reject anyone in your team?
  6. Inclusive – Does what you do “work” with everyone, from all backgrounds and cultures, within an organisation, and worldwide? And, will our people be more energised, valued and fulfilled as a result of working with you?
  7. Other Client Partners – Can we choose which of your existing Clients we can speak with, and speak with them freely about you?

With thanks to CEOs who helped put these questions together, especially Estelle Brachlianoff (Veolia); Mike Logue (Dreams) and Jonathan Yates (Guardian Financial Services).

With my love and best wishes

David x

PS. Please comment or ask any questions below

8 Responses to 7 Questions to ask any potential Leadership/Consultancy/Coaching Partners 

  1. Not sure anyone ever gets to the point in business these days.
    So many elephants in room at our work and nobody wants to address the issues.

  2. You can be a cost, expense and a profit-making enterprise all in one.
    In a company there is a balance and getting it right is the important bit for any business owner.

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