founder of naked leader

A Hovis request from the CEO

A Hovis request from the CEO

Naked Leader Week 820 – 7 May 2019

Time to Read: 40 Seconds

A Hovis request from the CEO

As fresh today as it’s always been. International construction company – One Team One Vision event with the CEO and Board – 8 leaders:

As always, the CEO opens the day, and he said:

“As your CEO my main role is to get the very best from you – each and every one of you.”

And after one of the most inspiring 5-minute openers to a day’s event, he lowered his tone and said:

“And, in return, I ask you to always act in the best interests of our company, to always keep your word and please, don’t ever embarrass me. If there is a problem, an issue or important piece of information you know about in your team, project or country, please tell me first.

He then shared something that had happened the week before – there had been a serious workplace injury, that he had first heard about from a journalist who had phoned him for a comment.

“I want, I need, to hear about it from you before I hear about it from outside our team, or organisation, so I can be prepared”.

Then, in a heartbeat, he switched back to one thing he was most proud of, about each person present.

As he did so, it was those 5 words that resonated with me as probably the most frequent 5 words I and other Naked Leader Coaches have heard from CEO’s – and leaders – going right back to when we started all of this, 21 years ago:

“Please, don’t ever embarrass me.”

With my love and best wishes



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