founder of naked leader

Abu Dhabi – 1 of 3
Naked Leader Week – 279 – Monday 27 October 2008
Read Time: Sixty Seconds
Abu Dhabi – 1 of 3
Have just returned from a wonderful business trip to Abu Dhabi, and could write a year’s worth of NL Weeks as a result.
I have chosen just three, ending with one of the bravest leaders I have ever known, Jon Kidd, beginning with a poem by his daughter, aged 13, and in between a brilliant quote / story that stopped me in my tracks with inspiration…
With love and best wishes
I am the blackness of night,
The one who haunts your dreams,
Feeding off your fright,
And loosening the seams,
Every step you fall,
I will grow stronger,
You were defeated in the brawl,
Bear it no longer,
Your face begins to fade,
Beast with blackened claws,
A nest in the broken has he made,
Bent crouched on fours,
It blows you each breath,
Watch the film reel unwind,
Your fate that could be death,
Here justice you won’t find.
Becci Kidd