founder of naked leader

Abu Dhabi – 3 of 3
Naked Leader Week – 281 – Monday 10 November 2008
Read Time: Sixty Seconds
Abu Dhabi – 3 of 3
Eight years ago I met an IT Leader working for The Walt Disney Company. A man I would describe as a quiet leader – humble, unassuming, and never shouting about his many achievements.
We stayed close over those eight years as he progressed his career through broadcasting, Xansa and Barclays. Someone who listened more than he spoke, who truly valued the opinions of others, and who always delivered.
All of this, while working at the sharpest of sharp ends of IT, handling company – critical IT calls.
And as you read this I am working with him once again – he is Jon Kidd, and he is The Chief Executive of Abu Dhabi General Services, a new company whose success is critical to the success of this lightning – fast moving country.
He and his family – Claire (organiser extraordinary), Becci (poet from two weeks ago) and George (water-skis with one hand) took the decision of a lifetime to uproot from the UK to Abu Dhabi just eighteen months ago. It has been a story of ups and downs, of uncertainties and above all, of adventure.
In Abu Dhabi, they have many values that I feel some other countries have forgotten – family, faith and mutual respect. Jon secured his new role because he has these very values.
Oh yes, and because he is a quiet leader – humble, unassuming, and never shouting about his many achievements.
So I thought I would give them a brief mention here.
With love and my best wishes to you all