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Action For The Week

WHEN trying to change behaviour, focus on those aspects where, first, there is the most room for improvement, and second, the likelihood of being able to change is reasonably high.You shouldn’t expect quick results as changing behaviour can take time.

3 Responses to Action For The Week

  1. There are plenty of points I would like to change about myself but feel i am unable to do them because the chances of changing them are slim. Will power eludes me and that can have a big bearing on whether someone can change or not.
    It’s like obesity. The Government wants to bring in this measure and that measure. When actually the only people who can bring down the obesity are inviduals. You can’t stop someone eating what they like whatever it says on the packet.

  2. There are plenty of points I would like to change about myself but feel i am unable to do them because the chances of changing them are slim. Will power eludes me and that can have a big bearing on whether someone can change or not.
    It’s like obesity. The Government wants to bring in this measure and that measure. When actually the only people who can bring down the obesity are individuals. You can’t stop someone eating what they like whatever it says on the packet.

  3. Changing behaviour is a difficult thing to do.
    You are what you are in a lot of cases and having to change is difficult. Be who you are abd be comfortable in your own skin is my advice.

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