founder of naked leader

After all of that Organisational change, it’s still a cake

After all of that Organisational change, it’s still a cake

Time to Rise: Just over 2 minutes, Gas Mark 7

After all of that Organisational change, it’s still a cake


Take one cake

Cut it horizontally

  • Now cut it into slices in radials
  • Now cut it horizontally again
  • Now turn it over
  • Finally cut it into squares (over the radials)

What do you have? A messy cake.

But it’s still a cake.

Take one organisation

  • Cut it horizontally so you have less layers
  • Now cut it into slices, or silos
  • Too many silos, so cut it horizontally again
  • Now, turn your new organisational chart over
  • Finally cut it into functions (over the silos)

What do you have? A messy organisation. But it’s still an organisation.

Get over it 

The question is – how good are the ingredients and the baking – not how well it was sliced!


With my thanks to the genius that is Emma Langman @emmalangman.

And my love and best wishes to you all.



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