founder of naked leader

Agile…It takes so long – until you do this three things…

Agile…It takes so long – until you do this three things…

Time to read: 30 seconds

Agile…It takes so long – until you do this three things…


It’s time to strip away the hype, jargon and mystery from this overused and under delivered word.


1. Unlock and unleash the talents, strengths and passions in all of your people, not just a chosen few, and ensure they have an opportunity to use them.

2. Apply the Naked Leader Fried Egg of Freedom (Here’s a recap).

3. Ensure that your HR team are the business. Not ‘supporting’ the business, or ‘partnering’ the business – instead to be thinking business, speaking business and acting like the business – i.e. show us the money, not the intangibles.

Do these, and you will know how to financially measure behaviour – the causal links between people and profit. You will know, plan and predict which behaviours lead to which results – in advance of any costs.

These 3 are simple and not easy – Join our Webinar Register here

Yes, I know this goes to thousands of leaders throughout the world – the one thing I am sure of it will be the very few leaders who join us on the Webinar who will do them.

With my love and best wishes to you all.


2 Responses to Agile…It takes so long – until you do this three things…

  1. We all have strengths and weaknesses. It’s just a case of tapping into the strengths and working out how to keep being successful with them.

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