founder of naked leader
Body Talk
MIND your language. No, not what you say, more, how you say it. Body language rather than words is what we’re talking here.
The irony of effective communication is that words have the least effect on the person you are communicating with.
A very small percentage of your effectiveness when talking to someone is about what you say. It’s how you say it that counts. The tone and the way you deliver your message are the all-important factors in making a sale. Then, selling becomes plain-sailing.
Use a tone that reflects what it is you are trying to convey – and practise it. Believe in what you’re saying. Engage with the person. That way, it won’t matter so much if, for you, words don’t come easy.
I agree. it’s how you say something, not what you say, that is the key to effective communication.
Body talk was one of my favourite songs in the 1980s.
And body language says a lot about someone. If you meet them it is much better than a telephone discussion. You can then form so much more of a better opinion.