founder of naked leader

Do this and your team will love you

Do this and your team will love you

Naked Leader Week 842 – 7 October 2019

Time to Read: 30 seconds



Take the blame for everything, and the praise for nothing.

“It’s my fault.”

And when something goes well, name the person or people who did it.

Truly authentic leadership is never about you – its about your teams and people.

Of course, if someone has made a mistake have a chat with them – in private.

I started doing this when I was an IT Director – I was sick and tired of being blamed for everything. So out of sheer frustration, I blurted out:

“That’s my fault.”

And on the next one:

“That’s my responsibility as well.”

Very soon the others got bored and decided to look for a new target.

It takes great bravery – the results are amazing.

With my love and best wishes



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