founder of naked leader

Coach The Naked Leader Way

THERE will always be a need for a coach to take you on a journey.

Coaching is a one-to-one, on-the-job approach by managers and trainers to help people develop their skills and levels of competence. It can also involve group learning – and nobody does it better than Naked Leader.

Through inspirational speaker David Taylor and his World-Class associates, many people who have taken up the opportunity to acquire a Professional Practitioner Coaching Qualification will complete their assessments at the end of this month. It gives them professional recognition, endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

They have learned about the tools and processes required to be an effective coach in business. Also the need to identify the areas of knowledge, skills or capabilities a person needs while ensuring they understand and accept the need to learn, encouraging them to manage themselves and to identify where they will need help.

Staff need to be motivated and aware of their present level of knowledge and they need to be helped in an active, not passive way, with the coach involved, listening and adopting a constructive approach, so the employee can build on their current strengths and experience with confidence.

And as a coach remember that the role is an important facet to empowering people in a common goal, contributing to personal, and company success.

You can find out more about Naked Leader coaching and how we can help by viewing And how’s this for an endorsement from Alan Jones, Group HR Director from The Phoenix Group.

‘The Naked Leader provides instant awakening, impact action. Most dynamic and yet thoughtful leadership change agent I have ever worked with. The messages are simple, yet effective, and develop ownership and satisfaction.’

Time for you to start travelling along that coaching path? Why wouldn’t you?

Clive Barrett

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