founder of naked leader

Do It Your Way

Do It Your Way

Time to read: 51 Seconds

Naked Leader Week 1065 – Monday 18 March 2024

Do It Your Way

Last week I had a coaching session with a young, smart and ambitious guy who works in the retail sector.

He is good enough to, one day, be the CEO of his company, and I told him this.

His response was:

“Are you kidding David? You clearly don’t know our CEO – she works 24/7, doesn’t delegate well, and is clearly totally stressed out. No thank you – a CEO’s role is not for me”.

That got me thinking – I know a lot of CEO’s, and they all run their companies differently, as they think fit. And that is also true of every role at every level in every company.

Everyone does their job differently – it is always about the person, not the position.

So I said “Please don’t let your career ambitions be held back by that – when you become a CEO, or whatever your role, you get to own it, to be it, and to define how you do it.

In short – you get to do it your way”.

And that, of course, also applies to you.

With my love and best wishes to you all



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