founder of naked leader

For every email, text, meeting, discussion, report and business interaction…
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For every email, text, meeting, discussion, report and business interaction…
Make it really clear what you want the other person, or people, to actually do.
Is it an action, a response, nothing – exactly what?
This radical simple clarity in communications will save you much time, angst and money!
With my love and best wishes, and a hope that what I am suggesting you do is clear.
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Response to post: Totally agree with your thought. I worked for a business where ALL email subject headings had to have a clear subject heading along the lines of:
Action required:
Response required:
For your records:
I think it lessened the amount of unnecessary emails, as well as making it clear upfront what was required.
Great idea, as so many emails waste so much time.
In fact the junk ones don’t even get read, what’s the point.
Best to bin them at source!
There are times when emails look pointless so I agree that something specific can only help when dealing with them.
Most annoying are those received from people who sit 10 feet away.
The art of verbal communication is dead.
Why wouldn’t you make it clear what you want in an email? No brainer. 😀
I think emails are great if you aren’t working in the same office. People should be made to speak to each other though. Emails are not good for comraderie within an office.