founder of naked leader

Hit The Seven Iron…
Naked Leader Week – 270 – Monday 11 August 2008
A short, weekly, action – provoking article – to unsubscribe, just click here –
Hit The Seven Iron…
Roy Mcavoy “This is everything, ain’t it, this is the choice it comes down to, this is our immortality”
His Caddy “You don’t need to be thinking immortality, you need to think hit the seven iron”
From the film, Tin Cup
What are you doing, right now, today, to make your vision/dream/ambition (delete as appropriate) closer to happening?
Real conversation…
Small business owner (Mike) calls me
Mike “David, do you know anyone we can engage for half a day to put together a strategy for getting
some coverage in a national newspaper?”
Me “What do you want to achieve?”
Mike “Ideally we want a piece in a major national”
Me “OK – I have a contact at the Financial Times; they are doing a feature on your industry soon. Do you have a pen to take down a number?”
Mike “No, you don’t understand, we want a strategy”
Me – “To get you mentioned in a major national?”
Mike “Yes”
Me “Mike, the FT is a major national – let me give you this number
Mike “No, I’m not explaining this very well…”
And so on…
Your vision/goal may be big, the actions needed to get you there may be small, however, they must be specific, and they must be started.
With my very best wishes