founder of naked leader

If our talents are without limit…
Naked Leader Week 912 – 1 March 2021
Time to read: 53 seconds
If our talents are without limit, why don’t we achieve success more often?
Naked Leader goes on and on about how you have unlimited, untapped and unique strengths, passions and genius – and that question comes back, in many different forms, summarised as:
‘OK, if that’s true then why don’t I achieve more success than I do?’
And the answer is…
You do.
You already do achieve far far more success than you realise. Every single day, hundreds if not thousands of times. It’s just that we don’t notice them, or we take them for granted.
Let’s define ‘success’ as you achieving any outcome you want to achieve.
SO, please do me a favour tomorrow, whether you live alone or with a partner or a family – notice, reflect on and shout out at the top of your voice:
“WOW, I (blank) – am I a genius (or other word of your choice), or what?
An example of what you can insert in the blanks:
Woke up
Opened my eyes
Looked at the time
Climbed out of bed
Boiled the kettle
Put coffee and sugar and milk into a cup
Poured the water over the mix
Drank the coffee
Got undressed
Turned the shower on
Climbed into shower
Enjoy all of your successes, and help others to enjoy theirs.
With my love and best wishes to you all