founder of naked leader

Is it a lie or is the truth getting its own back?

Is it a lie or is the truth getting its own back?

Naked Leader Week 837 – 2 September 2019

Time to Read: 40 seconds



The fastest way to make any change in your life is to act as-if that change has already been made – as if it has already happened.

A well-known, oft quoted how-to direct from Neuro Linguistic Programming.

At a recent event someone asked – “Isn’t that just lying to yourself?”

Deep, very deep.

My response was that we lie to ourselves all the time, every time we tell ourselves:

‘I can’t’.

‘I am not enough’.

‘No-one values me’.

Etc. etc. etc.

So, is it a lie to pretend that you have already achieved something, or the truth just getting its own back?

My view is of course the latter.

However, your view is your view – my only advice on that is choose which serves you best.

With my love and best wishes



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