founder of naked leader

Leadership from a different perspective – Yours
Naked Leader Week – 253 – Monday 14 April 2008
Leadership from a different perspective – Yours
Well, how much do you…
It doesn’t matter what your dream is, if you do nothing about it.
It doesn’t matter how much you talk about changing your organisation, if all you do is talk.
It doesn’t matter what changes you want in your life, all you do is delay and delay some more.
So, it is time for you to ask yourself, privately, honestly, and with absolute certainty:
That dream, hope or ambition.
That team openness, project success, or career fulfilment.
That new confidence, relationship decision, or helping someone who really needs you.
How much do you really want it?
Because that will decide whether you do anything about it, or not.
And when
So, ask yourself the question, and put yourself to the test
If you do really want it, make a true decision, and do something about it – NOW and TODAY
If you don’t really want it, make a true decision, and do nothing about it – NOW and NEVER
With love