founder of naked leader

Leadership from a different perspective – yours And this week I mean – yours…

Naked Leader Week – 91 (w/c Monday 14 February 2005)

Leadership from a different perspective – yours

And this week I mean – yours…


The new will feature leaders in several areas, as nominated by you:

(Please note – I may also use stories and examples in a Naked Leader book in the future – if you do not want your story in the book please say)

Please, forward this to everyone whose lives you touch, and together, and let’s compile a list of leaders in the following areas:

  1. Companies that have provided you, personally or as a business, with fantastic customer services. I am talking way above the call of duty, service that left you gobsmacked. Please send your story to


  1. Leaders Every Day – Every day thousands of people demonstrate leadership that goes unnoticed. Please nominate people in your organisation, in your community or family. The result will be a profile of “hidden” leaders or heroes who each and every day are leaders, without expecting recognition, or glory. Please, send me teachers, carers, managers in your company, colleagues and say why they are being such hidden heroes. Please send to


  1. Finally, last year I was asked to bring together all Naked Leader thinking into a blueprint for an enlightened / outstanding organisation in the 21st Such an organisation will have four guiding principles:

Cause over Cash – They will put what they stand for, their reputation, above making money (The irony is they will make more money as a result)

Clarity over Confusion – Everyone working in the organisation will know how their own role fits in with the big picture

Choice over Change – The organisation has moved beyond change for change’s sake

Customers over Convenience – Putting the customer first in all that they do

What organisations do you know that do any / all of these?

If you are an entrepreneur do you do this – if so, nominate yourself, and have two clients support your view

Please send to

Thank you and with love to you on Valentines Day, wherever you are in our world




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