founder of naked leader

Mutual Mentoring
Time to read: 2 Minutes – To Watch: 4 Minutes
Mutual Mentoring
Thank you for all of your feedback to last week’s NL Weekly
about the Hidden Heroes of the Grenfell Fire.
Many of you were interested in our partnership with Epic.
Our partnership began with the launch of How to Be Successful by Being Yourself – Mutual Mentoring.
On Friday, 19 May 2017 at etc.venues prestigious new County Hall venue – facility kindly provided to us free of charge – an extraordinary event took place.
For some time we in Naked Leader have wanted to launch a mutual mentoring initiative between experienced business leaders and young people facing major challenges in their lives. In short, we provided the business leaders and Epic the young people.
We wanted to prove that everyone has value – which a CEO can learn as much from a young person, as the other way around, regardless of background.
It was one amazing evening – the CEO’s felt privileged having much to gain from spending time with those starting out or approaching adult life and for the youngsters a rare opportunity to find out that those ‘at the top’ are just as human and were all young once with a unchartered waters ahead.
The video below gives a flavour of the event.
‘How to Be Successful by Being Yourself’
With my love and best wishes to you all.
A wonderful post and such heartfelt stuff. It was a truly awful tragedy.