founder of naked leader

Never worry what other people think about you, ever again

Please forgive me, I am SO excited
My new book ‘How to be Successful, by Being Yourself’ is coming out in a month’s time, on September 22nd.
And, so you don’t have to wait until then – an extract:
‘How to never worry what other people think about you, ever again (while being extremely popular!)
Give total and unconditional love to anyone and everyone that you ever meet, including and especially yourself.
- Do not compare yourself to others.
- Take total ownership of how you act, and react.
Give total and unconditional love to anyone and everyone that you ever meet, including and especially yourself
I believe you can always tell someone’s character by how nice they are to people they don’t have to be nice to. As well as how they treat themselves.
How to show love for others:
- Be nice to people you don’t have to be nice to. That includes waiters, reception staff, strangers who speak with you and so on.
- Send only positive texts, emails and social media posts Reply to negative ones that you receive with positive responses.
- When someone you love, in your family or a friend is negative towards you remember this is not about you. It is about where they are and what they are feeling at this moment in time. Do not respond as you might normally do, defensively, as this will not achieve the outcome you want.
- When someone is speaking, listen. Really listen – without judgement. It is perhaps the biggest single compliment we can ever pay another person.
- Don’t think about what others think of you – think about what you think of them, and think highly of them, anyway
- Smile
‘How to be Successful, by Being Yourself’ is published by Hodder and Stoughton on Thursday 22nd September 2016
Pre-order here
With my love and best wishes to you all.
Please share your thoughts and comments below
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‘Terrific news to receive, I am looking forward to being one of the first to buy David’s new book.
Regards Steve’
Thanks Steve
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‘Good morning David,
You’re a genius. Thank you for your constant inspiration to do it….You don’t inspire thought you inspire action. You make a difference.
Have a great day.
Very best,
Nice one Mark
Received from Andy Cope – Twitter
When someone is speaking, listen. Really listen – without judgement. It is the biggest single compliment we can ever pay @NakedLeaderNews
Thank You Andy – looking forward to your keynote at our conference this year!
Received by email
‘You are amazing! Thank you for this gem. Xx
Diliana Karailieva’
Thank you Diliana – looking forward to catching up at conference too!.