founder of naked leader
Persistence Quiz
Naked Leader Week 878 – 29 June 2020
Time to play: 1 minute
- Dropped in 1947 by Twentieth Century-Fox after one year under contract because she was “unattractive.”
- Name the teacher who bullied a young boy, telling him he was “useless” etc. – the boy now owns a successful chain of pubs, named after said teacher.
- Was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she “Wasn’t fit for television”.
- Aged 11 dropped from his school football team and told because of his growth hormone deficiency he would never be a footballer.
- He wasn’t able to speak until he was 4 years old and his teachers told him he would “never amount to much”.
- Rejected by Decca Recording Studios, who said “We don’t like their sound and they have no future in show business”.
- Had her first book rejected “loads” of times and was told “magic books don’t sell”.
- Fired from several newspapers for lacking imagination and having no original ideas.
With my love and best wishes
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David Taylor and Clair Carpenter – virtual event at The London Business Forum
How to be successful by being yourself – remove the imposter syndrome
Tuesday 15 September 2020 – 9.30am to 11.30am
Book here: