founder of naked leader
Rule Number One
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Rule Number One
The rules of shipping are many, varied and complex – with different versions in different countries, and changes being made all the time, and lots of mystery, jargon and noise.
Indeed, if you were to read every rule, you’d never get on the water.
However, as any sailor or boatman or captain or whatever will always tell you – they all come down to one overriding rule.
Thou shalt not collide
In the ever increasing complexity that is our organisations, our projects and our lives, what is the single most important thing to know, the one most important piece of information?
What is the headline that people absolutely need to know?
Our brains are so very powerful, and so very lazy.
They feed on simplicity.
So, amongst all of your visions, values and volumes of stuff – what is your equivalent to
Thou shalt not collide?
Thanks for the email- very edifying and so very simple.
I suppose in our business the most important rule would be ” Thou shalt listen to and understand one’s client’s requirements.”
Again seemingly very simple but so many businesses simply offer what they think their customers want rather that spending time finding out.
Don’t waste an opportunity
very sobering when considering the Marchioness disaster some time ago now that still makes me weep when I think of those poor souls who perished.
Indeed, thou should never collide but when we do let us mourn those it effects.
That disaster was one of the most traumatic and coming from London it was a distressing event.
No, collisions are not good so we should learn to avoid them at all costs as this would be a good sign that all is well with the waterways and such a disaster would not happen again.
“Is it kind?”
Collisions are never good in any circumstance, in my experience.
Funnily enough I read Marine Navigation at Uni. Our Colreg exam had an 80% minimum pass mark. The whole class passed because our lecturer was absolutely riveting. His lectures consited of example after example of all the things he had crashed into in his long and illustrious career at sea. So whilst collisions are not good, they do make for excellent lessons!
received by email from Tim…
Love it!
Thou shalt not collide, is indeed the first rule of the sea and something that as a sailing tutor and rescue support, I would like to think is instilled within our ethos and cadets at The Marconi Sailing Club and indeed Ben Ainsley learnt as a cadet at Marconi. However, as a coach I also understand that cadets and coachees do collide, it is part of the competitive and learning process, mistakes do happen. How one coaches through such mistakes to mastery is the key, as denying that mistakes can or will never happen is flawed. An understanding that collisions will occur is an approach that is more enabling as it places personal responsibility squarely with you and thus the comprehension of self and other centredness and the consequences of your actions…invaluable within an ever increasingly competitive world…not just as sea.
Colliding can be a good thing, when two people collide into each other’s worlds and hook up.
Not on the sea, though.
I collided with a girlfriend once, it wasn’t great, she was carrying her dinner from a buffet in a pub. Bit messy.
Collisions are generally best to be avoided.
Thank you for all the contributions – I loved the simplicity of Rule Number One, sadly they do happen at sea, however many many more are avoided. In business and coaching in my opinion companies can be more externally/client focused, any collisions that happen can be resolved and love Kevin’s “is it kind?” Equivalent question for business. David
Rule number two, the simple things work better, in all aspects of life.