founder of naked leader

Situational Leadership Stripped Bare
Naked Leader Week 838 – 9 September 2019
Time to Read: 20 seconds
Yes, its trendy, no, it’s not complex:
Principle: Leadership is not about the leader
- Ask each of your direct reports how they would like to be led by you, so that they achieve their results.
- Lead as they ask – making sure they know what they must do, must never do and what they may do – their freedom – yes, a Fried Egg.
- Review on an ongoing basis how it is going – if it is not working, then adjust the Fried Egg to include more in the Yolk.
With my love and best wishes
[…] Wrap your organisation around your people, the very opposite of the traditional, failing other way around – replace ‘Job Descriptions’ with Rolling CVs – let people work whenever and from wherever they want, as long as they deliver their outcomes, and set them free, within clear boundaries, by getting those eggs frying […]