founder of naked leader

Something that has helped hugely during Lockdown…
Naked Leader Week 914 – 15 March 2021
Time to read: 33 seconds
Something that has helped hugely during Lockdown…
That I will continue with – Post Pandemic
A Happy Book
An idea recommended to me by Brendan Barns – Founder of The London Business Forum.
Each day, I record anything and everything that is an achievement, a wow or simply a happy moment, for myself and those around me. Not a diary, just something I keep by my side and add to as and when.
And I have noticed that the ‘as and whens’ come along thick and fast.
It’s Energising to record our achievements as well as our plans, especially those involving others.
It’s Personal – what you decide is a Happy Moment is a Happy Moment!
It’s Mobile – And can be used by anyone, anywhere and at anytime.
With my love and best wishes to you all