founder of naked leader

Tag Archives: self improvement

What Happens Next?

What Happens Next?

Time to Read: Just a minute  What Happens Next? Is entirely up to you Always We always have total control and ownership of what we say and do – how we act. We don’t always have control of what other people say and do – how they act. We do, however, always have control of how…Continue Reading

To succeed…fail better

To succeed…fail better

Time to Read: 100 Seconds   To succeed…fail better What I love about The Formula for Guaranteed Success (FGS) is how similar it is to Alice in Wonderland’s Rabbit Hole in the Lewis Carrol stories.Many organisations, such as Ford, Phoenix and Veolia, have made it their own, and every time I cover it in an…Continue Reading

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

Time to Reflect: Don’t!  …Act! Mirror Mirror on the Wall… ‘What help, advice and guidance do you have for me?’ Yes indeed, many answers already lie within you, so make time for a coaching session, with yourself. It will make a change from the judgements we make about ourselves when we look at ourselves – ‘you’ve…Continue Reading

How to Lead Your Boss

How to Lead Your Boss

Time to Read: Doesn’t matter, as long as she/he doesn’t see you reading it!   Tell your leader how you would like to be led – in terms of style, behaviour and what you want to be empowered to do. On empowerment, be specific. Ask what are your manager’s top priorities? Listen, Question, offer to help and…Continue Reading