founder of naked leader

Thank you for your questions on The Naked Office, especially no. 1!
Naked Leader Week – 317 – Monday 20 July 2009
Thank you for your questions on The Naked Office, especially no. 1!
Time to read – 80 seconds
Many thanks for everyone who e-mailed me; these are the four most frequent questions:
- Why did you not smile more?
I did, the whole programme was a lot of fun and I was smiling and laughing in many scenes. None made the final cut – that was partly because the production company decided that I should be seen as the serious, gravitas one – their call.
- How did you achieve such amazing results in so little time?
While I do believe that we can change our lives/organisations very fast, we did a lot of coaching, sitting in on meetings and games with a purpose that simply did not get shown, as we had so much to include. That said, overall it was just one week.
- You refer to “stabbing in the stomach” – not a very pleasant idea?
Far better, more honest and authentic than stabbing in the back, though. What it means is be prepared to bring the real issues, some say “truth of an issue” inside the room. Do it properly and professionally – perhaps one to one rather than in a meeting. Do it, though. Transparency of issues is critical, and saves so much time.
- Any regrets – it received mixed reviews?
No regrets, loved it. Shine, the production company and Virgin1 were very professional, guiding and honest. It had record viewing figures for Virgin1. Some people loved it; some hated it, as will always be the case. This comes with the territory of putting one’s head above the parapet – if you do this in life, you have to abandon your ego and be very brave. People that do nothing will always have a go at people who do something. This helps them to self-justify their inertia.
Thanks for reading
With my love and best wishes