founder of naked leader

The 3 Top (hot) Tips for Leading a Project to Success
The 3 Top (hot) Tips for Leading a Project to Success
Of course Prince Two and Microsoft Office have a place and are critical…however neither of them cover leadership, behaviour and ‘show me the money…’
So, using the three timeless headings for each and every project…
- Time – Treat the project as top producers and directors do a West End play. ‘OK, we open on that date, so we have to be ready 10 days before, and we can iron out any last minute difficulties during our preview run, and absolutely ready by opening night, when the paying audience arrive expecting a finished article.’ So, working backwards from that date, in what we in Naked Leader call advance hindsight, what needs to happen, when and by whom?
- Cost – So many words, articles and books have been written about cost. You will know the cost. Now, calculate the return on investment, which must of course be three times the cost (at least). If you can’t do this for a project, don’t do the project.
- Quality – This has to be determined by the internal teams or external customers who will be using the project outcomes, not by the project team itself. And, have one person who is overall accountable for the project – one name, totally accountable. Finally, put together your project team based on different, complementary strengths, passions and expertise, so you have every single area covered by at least one person.
With my love and best wishes to you all
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Love the west end play, I use acting as if to achieve many things.
Sales three times the cost. That is a vital figure.
The accountable thing is important.
There should always be someone to blame if things go wrong.
That way, people will do the job to the best of their ability to make sure they get the job done correctly, and on time.
Bonus Ball. The one I find important but gets missed 9 times out of 10. Interdependencies. With every project think OWL.
Who is impacted,
Who has done something similar,
Who gains and Who loses.