founder of naked leader

The eighth day of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Oneday,
Oneday I am going to ….
We talk about what we are going to do on Oneday, it’s just all the other days get in the way!
Give it priority –
Oneday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Give it a date, and do it! It will be the best day of the week!
With my love and best wishes
PS What are you doing on Oneday? Tell us, in the comments below, when exactly is that?
I’m going to ask to work with/for you. Your words have been a source of inspiration to me!
There, I did it!
Hi Lee thank you very much I am humbled and love your Be…message. We advertise for business coaches (associates) and any permanent vacancies on Linked In. Thank you again. David
Thanks David! I shall keep an eye out!
One day i’m going to reavel the world on a pushbike.
Love it Thomas – just one question – when? Go on, commit to a date on here…David
I want to fulfil my aim by 2020. Will take a lot of planning.
One day I’m going to read my posts before I click send. Meant travel not reavel.
One day I am going to do what I said I was going to do tomorrow…
Good stuff Marcus – and there’s another word “tomorrow” which of course never arrives David
‘We can be heroes, just for one day’
David Bowie.
There are lots of things I am going to do on Oneday, it will be a long day! ummm maybe a week of Onedays is the answer!
The things I want to achieve are going to take more than one day!
Same as me Boris, and many others I’m sure!. I’ve booked a few of my one day I’m going to … Into my diary including a car boot this Sunday and a workshop I keep looking at is now booked.
Tomorrow never comes which is a great incentive to do something now, today.
I did all I need to do yesterday. That way I am up to date with challenges.
A good point. We don’t really get around to what we should be doing, we let other stuff get in the way.
The most important thing in life is to spend time with your family and value that time.
Who knows when it is that you won’t be in a position to do it any longer.
We all take life for granted and it takes a hiccup or two to make you sit and think, actually I might not ne here tomorrow, who knows, known of us do. None of us are immoral.
Immortal even!
If I had an extra day of the week I would soend it doing my ironing pile. That would be bliss!
Do it now is the key.
Don’t think about when you need to do something by as you will always wait until that deadline.
Do it now, then it is done.
Today is the day we do what we need to do…