founder of naked leader

Three Great Questions to Ask…1…About your organisation

Three Great Questions to Ask…1…About your organisation

Naked Leader Week – 277 – Monday 6 October 2008

Read Time: Sixty Seconds

Three Great Questions to Ask…1…About your organisation

Organisations now realise, at last, that it is time to simplify – to make faster (and truer) decisions

In short, to get back to business

Instead of change for change’s sake, now it is time for tough choices – for survival

And the best question to ask at this time is this:

Why do we exist as an organisation?

What are we here for, stripped down to our very core

Not in a mission statement that no-one understands

Not in a missive from on high that few people buy into

Rather in clear, concise and compelling terms, understandable by both your mother AND your ten year old child (if you have one)

That’s the acid test

Start from that question and you will take the first step in what all organisations have to do over the next twelve months – to return to themselves.

With best wishes




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