founder of naked leader
Time To Make A Difference
CHARLES Hardin Holley – who died in 1959 and was known to the majority of the world by his stage name, Buddy Holly – is credited with being ‘the single most influential creative force in early rock and roll.’
Time-saving guru Vince Holley has never been labelled in such fabled terms nor was he a pioneer of such an iconic music genre but he is very much alive and is now singing from the same hymn sheet as the Naked Leader.
We have all heard of the expression, ‘Time is of the Essence’. Well, as you will have seen from an article elsewhere in this newsletter, research shows that we are prone to thinking about things rather more than we are to actually doing them.
Based in Birmingham, Vince has joined forces with Naked Leader to provide workshops in his specialist area, time saving. A master in his field, why not sign up for one of his revolutionary sessions and find out just how it is you can benefit from his innovative thinking.
Here, in his own words, are three tips to whet the appetite. There are another 27 of them on the workshop.
1. Keep a tidy desk and filing system as research shows that we can spend up to four hours a week looking for things that are lost in the mess on the desk or misfiled in the wrong place.
2. Vince’s ‘Red Dot’ technique. Keep a red felt pen on your desk and put a dot on every piece of paper every time you pick it up. You will be amazed at how many times we simply move paper around because we don’t have the information to deal with it or because we procrastinate or maybe just fancy doing something else that’s easier or quicker.
3. Set realistic deadlines. Before accepting a task, always ask when it is required for. We often drop everything to please the boss or colleagues when the job may not be required for a week or two and can be placed lower on the priority list.
Vince might not be able to emulate his famous namesake by performing with a variety of musical instruments but he can teach you all the right notes when it comes to time-management.
As one impressed company said: ‘We would highly recommend Vince to those seeking well-organised, professional training that produces lasting results.’
What are you waiting for?
Sounds like Vince knows a thing or two.
Worth a go on his seminar?
Loved Buddy holly, what a star.
Ref. 1st point:
“Up to ” tells me that 4 hours is the worst case. What is normal?
How much time needs to be spent maintaining a tidy desk and filing system? If it takes five hours and you save 4 hours looking for things, you are worse off.