founder of naked leader

What if everything that ever happens in your life did this…?
Time to read: Just 2 minutes to change your life
What if everything that ever happens in your life did this…?
…Moved you closer to your outcomes, to your personal dreams and to achieving your results as an organisation?
How powerful would that be?
From The Naked Leader (shop)
‘No event has any meaning other than the meaning that you choose to give it, and that includes life’
And from The Naked Leader Experience (shop)
“It is the meaning we give to events that determines what power that event has for us/over us, and we can change that meaning at any time and stage that we choose”
When we open our minds to this, we wake up with joy each and every day, positively looking forward to anything and everything that will happen to us. And each and every day will be the best day of our life…
In very simple terms – simply decide that…
Every single thing that ever happens to us, within us, and around us, happens for only one reason – to help bring our dreams closer.
And so, instead of waking up in the morning and asking ourselves:
“I wonder what will happen to me today (what helpful or unhelpful things will occur)?”
or even:
“I wonder what will happen today to help me answer the question, what’s it all about?”
we say to ourselves:
“Today, everything that happens is evidence that life is conspiring to help my dreams come true.”
Puts a new fizz into the expression “Looking forward” doesn’t it!
Do this for just 3 days running – it is powerful and the results are amazing.
With my love and best wishes to you all.
Wow! Powerful stuff and yes, it works!!