founder of naked leader

When do you give up – A different perspective!
Naked Leader Week – 191 (w/c Monday 29 January 2007)
When do you give up – A different perspective!
OK – This persistence / giving – up / failure thing is clearly the biggest thing in many people’s minds – the overwhelming response continues, and there will now be four NL week’s on this subject – this being the third.
This week, a different perspective. Many of you have e-mailed me and talked about the “peace,” “relief” and /or “calmness” you feel when you give up on something.
You say that these feelings surely show that sometimes things are simply not meant to be, that to keep going against the odds is to keep going against life, and that once you know you cannot achieve something, no matter how hard you try, you will know that dream is not for you.
Michael from Washington reminded me of a UK film, “Clockwise” starring John Cleese, in which John played a headmaster, Mr Stimpson, a man obsessed with punctuality, who has to be at a conference where he was speaking, at a set time.
Everything goes wrong for him along the way – he misses his train, his lift breaks down, he goes the wrong way. At each turn he feels like giving up, and there is a look of resigned relaxation on his face, that at least he knows he is not going to make it – he knows where he stands.
And just as he is about to give up, there is a sign of hope. Another train, car or sign that gives him hope.
Just four letters, and what a word.
On the one hand, so positive
On the other, so pressurising
So, when do you give up, and find that peace?
As yourself three questions and know three things:
- Do I really, really, really want to achieve this?
If Yes, never ever give up
- I may feel like giving up now, but looking back on this moment in my final seconds in this life, will I feel I could have kept going?
If Yes, do not give up
- Am I at the very lowest that I could ever feel on this – in absolute and total despair?
If Yes, do not give up, the point of most despair is often the moment before the biggest breakthrough – besides, if you are at the lowest point, it can’t get any worse
On the other hand, give up if you choose, as long as you have no regrets, and feel at peace.
There is nothing “right” or “wrong” about giving up; I just feel that too many people give up, too soon.
Please send this to those whose life you touch
With my love and very best wishes to you all, in your lives, in your adventures, and in your keeping going when all around are telling you not to – always remember, when you achieve your dream, those will be the same people who come to you and say – “I always knew you would do it”