founder of naked leader

Why You Do What You Do (It May Surprise You)
Time to Read: 2 minutes
Why You Do What You Do (It May Surprise You)
Naked Leader 3 Times More – How to unlock 3 times more value, confidence and agility in your people, while stripping out cost, stress and uncertainty, launched after Brexit.
Most of the debate, discussions and interactions with our Business Partners have focused on the financial value element – understandable given the need to bring certainty in uncertain times.
However the root cause – and the facts, science and psychology behind achieving 3 times more – comes down to knowing why people do what they do. In all areas of our lives.
Once you know this you will have in your hands a single piece of knowledge from which everything else will follow – you will know the power of what you know – and this is it:
People do what they do based on the choices they believe that they have available to them at that moment – which is based entirely on their self-esteem – that will move them closer to pleasure, and/or further away from pain, in the fastest way possible.
Based on this, the single biggest action you can take that cuts through everything leadership, mindfulness and business is:
Wrap your organisation around your people – the very opposite of the traditional, other way around. Many organisations ‘sweat the asset’ – never works – instead, set the asset free.
For example – find out what people’s number one passion is, that would help them in their role and that they are not using at present, and help them find a way to use it.
With my love and best wishes
PS For more on unlocking 3 times more value, confidence and agility in your people, while stripping out cost, stress and uncertainty please click here.
or phone: 01483 766502 Email: Rosalind Howard
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