founder of naked leader
10 rules for meeting etiquette
Naked Leader Week 815 – 1 April 2019
Time to Read: 😊
Top 10 Rules for Meeting Etiquette
- Always wait for late-comers before you start the meeting – it would be rude not to.
- Professional meeting attenders will need to be reminded what meeting they are in.
- Make sure that all actions have more than one name – that way the action will never get done.
- Meetings must always last for their allotted time, or longer. Never finish a meeting early, as some people won’t know what to do with the time.
- If chairing go through the minutes line by line, so they seem like hours, and when presenting make sure you read out all the words on the slide or document, one by one, and never give away the headline or key point first, cover ALL the background detail first. Like Jackanory, everyone loves a story.
- On decisions go for consensus – it is faster than having a difficult conversation, no-one will know what has been agreed and you will have something to talk about again next time.
- When others are speaking pretend you are listening and nod a lot. If you do actually nod off when you wake up say in a very assertive voice ‘I think it is very important to remember what we want to achieve here.’ You will likely be promoted.
- Dance around the main issues that need to be discussed while ensuring they are never actually are – professional politeness is all.
- After the meeting, when you return to your desk, sound off about what a waste of time the meeting was and how the company has too many meetings.
- Organise a meeting that discusses how to have less meetings.
With my love and best wishes