founder of naked leader

Monthly Archives: May 2004

This one’s for you Mary

Naked Leader Week – 57 -Monday 31 May 2004 Rosalind and I went away for the weekend, and on Sunday we went to Salisbury Cathedral, and attended morning service. Because it was the congregational, rather than full, choir, we sat in the choir stalls – right at the heart of events. I like to attend the…Continue Reading

William Henry Davies

Naked Leader Week – 56 Monday 24 May 2004 Leadership from a different perspective – yours  This week, William Henry Davies (1871-1940) sent in by Clare Doyle from Canada  Leisure  What is life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long…Continue Reading

“Take us back David”

Naked Leader Week – 55 –  Monday 17 May 2004 “Take us back David” In both my books I make a very direct attack on some of the so-called change, management and consultancy initiatives we have seen in our organisations. Many people ask me when I first “dared” to write about this. In truth, I had…Continue Reading


Naked Leader Week – 54 – Monday 10 May 2004 Leadership from a different perspective – yours Thank you for sending in your naked leader weeks. This week, Liz Hill-Smith shares her thoughts on… Mindreading “I have to admit to having been a little cynical about ideas of mind reading and intrapersonal energies.  However, a few…Continue Reading