founder of naked leader

Monthly Archives: November 2010

Leading up to Christmas…

Time to Read 30 seconds I heard this week that a school staff Xmas party was refused a repeat booking at last year’s venue due to their inappropriate behaviour. …pause while you consider that rather shocking statement. 2 years ago our own company Christmas party, at a shared venue, was marred by the lewd behaviour…Continue Reading

Action For The Week

EVERY day we hypnotize ourselves to only see the ordinary. We live in homes we think we know so well. We travel on journeys that become all too familiar. And we meet the same type of people each and every day…or do we? All we have to do is look around – really look, and…Continue Reading

Thought For The Week

IF you are thinking of writing a book, remember that Stephen King and JK Rowling took ages in getting their first work published. They say everybody has a book within them somewhere. As well as having a good title, well-written story and a strong single line that sells the book, the other key elements, to…Continue Reading

Action For The Week

HAVE a business plan. Anybody wanting to survive in business has to have a vision, a plan. It is an essential tool for thriving and moving forward as a company. Make sure you have one. When you go on a car journey, if you’re sensible, you will have mapped out your route. You know where…Continue Reading

Thought For The Week

‘TODAY, anything and everything I see, hear, touch, feel and experience is confirmation that I am on the right track in life, and is evidence that life is conspiring to help my dreams come true. In fact, today will be the single best day of my life, so far.’ (Extract from The Naked Coach)Continue Reading

A Quick Engagement Survey…

Time to Read if you are engaged – 53 seconds Time to Read if you are not – Several hours Straight from the HR Leadership Alliance, where I was chairing the day, in London last week… the latest hot topic in leadership – engagement surveys. Great – the engagement of our people is very important…Continue Reading

Action For The Week

MAKE sure you know your unique selling point, be it yourself as an individual, or your company. Really understand it and make sure you tell the world about it in any proposition. People need to know the benefits so make sure you explain, clearly and consisely, just what it is that makes you, or your…Continue Reading