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Monthly Archives: September 2018

You learn far more from failure

You learn far more from failure

Time to Read: 2 minutes 30 seconds You learn far more from failure This month, Clive Barrett, speaks with Professor Mark Durkin, Dean at Ulster University Business School: IF passion, knowledge and determination to succeed are the benchmark for business success it is no wonder Professor Mark Durkin has scaled the heights. While bridging the…Continue Reading

Competencies have one major downside

Competencies have one major downside

Time to Read:  45 seconds Competencies have one major downside They never work. Boring, complex and time consuming aside, they simply create general all rounders. Going forward – strengths are all. Because if people do not use their strengths every day, they will reduce. If all you did in your organisation was to unlock the…Continue Reading

The top 7 ways to unlock new ideas

The top 7 ways to unlock new ideas

Time to Read: 40 seconds The top 7 ways to unlock new ideas from the people you already have Organisations that identify, unlock and unleash the strengths, passions and ideas in the people that they already have will succeed, those that don’t, won’t. So, 3 NL Weeks – this one on ideas, next on passions…Continue Reading