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Monthly Archives: August 2020

Go Simple, Anyway

Go Simple, Anyway

Naked Leader Week 886 – 24 August 2020 Time to read: 1 minute Thank you for your feedback to last week’s NL Weekly – ‘Go Simple’  The most frequent question I was asked was – ‘if simple is the way to go, why aren’t more organisations doing it?’ Because simple is never easy – it’s…Continue Reading

Go Simple

Go Simple

Naked Leader Week 885 – 17 August 2020 Time to read: 42 seconds Every organisation wants it, talks about doing it, very few actually do it. Because we are subconsciously trained – by books, experts and academia, that organisations must be complex. They don’t – they must not, as our brains have one overall, primary…Continue Reading

Submit a compliment

Submit a compliment

Naked Leader Week 883 – 3 August 2020 Time to read: 21 seconds I am seeing this more and more on websites. Alongside the traditional, and no doubt oft used ‘Make a Complaint’ option, are those three words ‘Submit a Compliment’ No doubt before Covid, people would have found that quite amusing, thinking ‘are you…Continue Reading