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Monthly Archives: February 2023

The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership Communications

The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership Communications

Time to Read: Around 10 seconds per Deadly Sin Naked Leader Week 10012 – 27 February 2023 The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership Communications – by Diana Oakes. Reading David’s recent ‘Don’t do what’s in this blog’  advice reminded me of a director, who’d been recently appointed to lead a large department in a huge…Continue Reading

45 Minutes with Christine – Aged 7

45 Minutes with Christine – Aged 7

Naked Leader Week 1011 – 20 February 2023 This is an experience I have thought about often, very rarely shared, and Christine is not her real name. (Photo above is a stock image). In 2005 I got a call from a charity we had been working with – they were counselling a very troubled young…Continue Reading

I Love You Dad

I Love You Dad

Time to Read: 42 seconds Naked Leader Week 1010 – 13 February 2023 I often think about my Dad, and never more so than In this Valentines week of love, as he died nine years ago, on 15th February 2014. When he was alive I once complained to my wife Rosalind that he had managed…Continue Reading

Don’t Do What’s In This Blog

Don’t Do What’s In This Blog

Time to Read: Don’t! Naked Leader Week 1009 – 6 February 2023 When you tell someone not to do something, are they going to listen; or are they more motivated than ever to do it? Science would say that the latter is more likely, because people like to be in control of their own lives,…Continue Reading