founder of naked leader

4 Different Slants on The Naked Leader FGS – 4 of 4 – DO IT!
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4 Different Slants on The Naked Leader FGS – 4 of 4 – DO IT!
Thank you for the many comments and thoughts on the Formula for Guaranteed Success – they come in via Twitter, Email and of course from our Business Partners.
This is final week of covering different takes on the FGS with a practical way of applying it in our personal lives, our careers and in our organisations.
Week 1 – Know where you want to go
Week 2 – Know where you are now
Week 3 – Know what you have to do, to get to where you want to go
This week –
Our clear message within Naked Leader – if you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got
Faye Booker, Deputy Director of Change, Big Lottery Fund, stunned me into silence when she said:
“Context is also important – sometimes you can do what you have done before, in a different time and place, and it can work.”
Yes – a simple example – when you are driving to a meeting; you might get held up in a traffic jam on your chosen route and arrive late but in the school holidays even at the same time it could be a breeze and you’d arrive in time.
The same can be said in the work place if something around you has changed – a new team, a different manager or change in attitude you might be able to achieve something you couldn’t before.
And… sometimes doing something when you are tired, or busy, or have had a bad day, you may not achieve the outcome you want. Doing the same thing, in the same way, might actually work when you are full of energy, have more time or have had a wonderful day.
Thank you Faye
With my love and best wishes
Achieving something new is the pinnacle. Gives you a new zest for life.
I don’t think working past a certain time in the day that you are at your optimal capacity.
Best to leave it when you are fresh and you get so much more done.
Another cracking post from David!
I agree, they are always though-provoking and interesting to a point where tiy look forward to them each week.
Thank you, David.