founder of naked leader
4 Ways to Amaze Your Customers
1. Sell as your customer likes to buy – let them lead the flow, dictate the pace and be “in charge” (follow their behaviour, not your process). You listen; ask questions that show you are listening. And answer any questions you are asked – directly.
Real recent mystery shopping experience – Me “I am really keen to buy one of your cars, would you run through your range please?”
“Salesman” – “OK” (gets blank sheet of paper out) “What is your annual mileage?”
Bye (not buy!)
2. Show a genuine 100% interest in your customer – no glancing at watches, answering the phone – that person is the single most important person in the world right now. And don’t have preconceived ideas about gender, dress or any appearances.
Real recent mystery shopping experience –
Rosalind “I am interested in that lovely white car you have out in the showroom”
“Salesman” – Looks at me!!! – “OK, shall we go and have a look at it?”
Bye bye (not buy buy!)
3. To create absolute and immediate rapport with a handshake. 1 – Match their grip exactly 2. Let them dictate the personal space (distance from their hand to their shoulder must be the same as yours). 3 – Look directly into their eyes and then 1/10 of a second later – smile (not straight way – it looks false).
Make this a natural habit.
4. Use their name (do not overuse it), use “and” never “but” and let them be “right” as often as possible.
If you really want to boost your sales by using these techniques, and more…
Check out Naked Leader Powerful Customer Rapport Workshop – It will Amaze!
Tell us how you like to be amazed? – Leave you comments below
With my love and best wishes
The handshake thing works.
Tried it and you do get that instant rapport, it’s true.
I always think a limp handshake means a limp mind, I like it to be firm at all times.
The naming is key too.
I have lost count of the amount of times people who know me, but have forgotten my name, say hello in a very unconvincing way while looking down at the floor.
names are so important.
Selling as your customer needs to buy requires research and being really close to the customer.
It’s worth the effort as keeping customers is a lot easier than trying to gain a new one.
Had an estate agent round on a Friday to value for selling and I said, we didn’t want to feel any pressure as we had a quite a few things we wanted to think about. He finished with now if you could make a decision by Sunday I will do a lower rate! BYE
The worst for us was a double glazing salesman.
He sat around the table with us as we wanted a new front door.
We spent an hour talking and by the time he left we were no nearer to knowing just what the door was going to cost us.
In the end we went with someone else, and bought a window too because buying both was cheaper than having just a door!
Terrible salesmen both of them.
Salesmen can make or break a deal but the product has to be good.
I never had had a rapport with a salesman coming to your door.
They are after one thing, the sale, which is fair enough, but they need to be human too.
Look at me! Love that approach.
Easy to say u can sell when actually it is never that easy.
I had a salesman once who kept looking at their watch and trying to rush me through signing up for the product.
When they realised they weren’t going to get me to buy they seemed very off with me and disinterested.
It made me feel glad i didn’t sign up.
I liked to be amazed by my man, but it rarely happens these days. And yes, he is a salesman too!
Thank you for your comments, all of which reflect the need to build trust, rapport and engagement over and above everything else. David