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7 Best Selling Books Rejected By…

7 Best Selling Books Rejected By…

Time to read: 70 Seconds

Naked Leader Week 1071 – Monday 29 April 2024

7 Best Selling Books Rejected By 12 or more publishers…

1. Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert Pirsig (1974)

121 Rejections – 4 million copies sold to date.

2. Chicken Soup For The Soul – Mark Hansen and Jack Canfield (1993)

33 Rejections – The ‘Chicken Soup’ series has sold more than 33 million copies.

3. Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Richard Bach (1970)

18 Rejections – 10 million + sold.

4. Lorna Doone – Richard Blackmore (1869)

18 Rejections – Millions sold and many film versions.

5. Dune – Frank Herbert (1965)

13 Rejections “confusing and irritating” – 12 million + and two film versions

6. M*A*S*H – Richard Hooker (1968)

21 Rejections before best selling stardom plus sequels and TV series

7. A Time To Kill – John Grisham (1988)

28 Rejections – multi-million sales and Grisham top-selling author of the 90s

Please – love, adore and celebrate rejection and you will achieve anything you want in your life.


With my love and best wishes to you all



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