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A great example of giving someone a standard to live up to
Time to Read: 32 secs
A great example of giving someone a standard to live up to
Last week a friend who works as a school receptionist shared with me a Christmas card she had held onto to show me, given to her by a pupil’s parents.
Under the usual stuff was a handwritten message:
‘Thank you for always being so jolly, polite and helpful’
I said how lovely that is, she agreed, and added, smiling, ‘of course that means I now have to be jolly, polite and helpful at all times, especially to these parents’
What a great example of giving someone a standard to live up to (and making them feel great at the same time)
Who are you going to give such a standard to, and when?
With my love and best wishes
Please add your wonderful comments below
That’s the problem with being nice. You always have to be nice and never drop yoor guard. Not always easy in trying circumstances.
Love that graphic!
Thank you Sam
When you say to someone ‘you were magnificent’ it merely means that person has to be magnificent from that moment otherwise they might feel they failed.
I look up to certain role models and Dustin Hoffman was one until I once saw him refuse an autograph at a function I was at and my feelings towards him changed.
By contrast, I saw a football manager, Dario Gradi, who was once surrounded by 100 kids and signed every one of them.
You don’t have to be the same you all the time.
It can never happen like that, for instance if you are famous, off guard moments are inevitable.
Be the best you can be at any one given moment. That’s it.
This works, whenever I see people that have made a comment to me such as your always flexible/welcoming I am aware that I want them to think the same again.
You can only be who you are at any moment in time. we all change our moods. That’s just life.
I read that in 29 seconds!
Once again a top read, regardless of the time spent reading it!
Thought-proving again, great stuff.
Always look forward to a Monday, David.