founder of naked leader

A letter from You
Dear Me
I am writing this letter to you on Monday 11 August 2014, to be read again on Tuesday 11 August 2015.
I have chosen a year because I am making a promise to you which you will know if I have kept by this time next year.
So I am writing to you about an outcome – a dream, a result – about which I won’t change my mind, not this time. This time I am making a true decision, and committing to you that I will not change it, and will never give up on it, until it has been achieved, and achieved it will be by one year from today.
Just in case someone else sees this letter, I won’t spell it out. Suffice to say it is that single goal I have wanted to achieve for ages, and have kept putting off, making up excuses and reasons for not going for it. You know what it is, as well as I do.
Yes, that’s right.
It is what I want – what I really want.
It is a “what” and not a “how”
And it sets a standard for me that is higher than anyone else can ever reasonably expect of me – especially you
So, this time is different for me, time to stop talking action, and take action.
To actually do something, one thing, that will take me closer to achieving it, or further way. And if it takes me closer, I will do more of the same. And if it takes me further away, I will do something else.
And I will keep repeating that until it has been achieved.
Now, of course, you have choices as you respond to me – you can simply read this letter and ignore it, or you can join with me in taking total and absolute ownership that together, you and I, can do this.
My question to you is this – will you help me? I know it will be tough, I will fall over many times and just as many times that I will get up again and could use your help in doing so..
And if you are reading this in one year’s time, and it has been achieved, thank you for helping me, and being by my side every step of the way.
Yours – with love and friendship
RSVP – in the comments below
Another powerful message. I am with you David.
Very Good x
The quality of the NL Week goes up each week.
I will be anxious to see what I will do in the next year beginning today.
Seven minutes reading time!
Love the concept of reading something for such a long time when it actually takes less and vice versa.
Makes you really read it. And act accordingly.
I am with you as well David
Sometimes u just have to take your time over it. A great article.
The minutes to read is an interesting one!
Its the choices we make that define us. Sometimes they are not the right ones but we have to accept the path we have chosen, then change it if it is the wrong one.
Thank you for all your comments this one was entirely for you – 7 minutes assumed people would read it slower than normal as it is a very different one! David
Am with you! Am also anxious and determined to see result of what I am planning today till next year. Thanks for writing such a great thought to all of us. It’s great way of igniting more determination in someone. 🙂