founder of naked leader

Action For The Week

IT’S an open and shut case. In the early stages of a business relationship, ask open questions.

These are questions that make the other person give you an answer – and, more crucially, information which you can use at a later date.

Ask them ‘how’, or ‘why’ or ‘when’ or ‘what’ and make them tell you about themselves. This can be used later in sales negotiations and be an enormous benefit to you. Why not do it today?

2 Responses to Action For The Week

  1. You get nowhere without asking questions.
    Hopefully the answers received help point you in the right direction.

  2. Getting the answers can often put you off a project if they are not what you want to hear.
    I accept that questions need to be asked but they can often be asked in a way that helps, rather than hinders you.

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