founder of naked leader

Although there is much to fear – do not be afraid
Naked Leader Week 834 – 12 August 2019
Time to Read: 75 seconds
There is so much doom and gloom and negativity around, it pervades our lives, our relationships and our organisations.
It doesn’t have to be that way…
Do these things every day – in your organisations, your relationships and your life:
- Organisation – Focus on what you do well, not what you don’t do well. Build on people’s strengths, passions and genius and set them free to apply them – within wide boundaries, and always know this – there is nothing ‘wrong’ with your organisation that can’t be overcome by what is ‘right’ with it.
- Relationships – Give unconditional love to anyone and everyone that you meet – including and especially yourself. Notice, never judge and let people be themselves. In Watford Community Housing Trust, they even have post-its on their desks that say ‘let me be me’.
- You – Find something that you are great at, that you enjoy doing, and do more of it. Surround yourself with people who give you energy, not suck it away, and be generous, caring and kind. You will get that back a thousand times over.
Anyone who thinks that worrying about anything actually helps is living on a different planet, in a different solar system.
Always know this – it is your birth right to fulfil the potential of your first few seconds, so you have no regrets in your last.
With masses of positive energy, love and best wishes to you all
The Business Mastermind – Podcast
The most successful Podcast in the Business Mastermind series – Gavin Preston interviews David Taylor.
In Gavin’s own words “Listening back, I think it is an engaging and humorous interview stacked with value and a good account of the FGS (Formula for Guaranteed Success), Leadership and why we should focus on choice over change, so Naked Leader fans will enjoy it.”